Affiliate Policy

Last updated: August 25th, 2023.

The following Affiliate Program Terms of Use (the “Affiliate Program Terms”) govern your participation in the CLICK E-SHOP Affiliate Program (the ” Affiliate Program”).

These Affiliate Program Terms supplement and form part of our standard terms of use. Accordingly, capitalized terms used but not defined in these Affiliate Program Terms have the meanings outlined in the Terms of Use.

To obtain information about how we collect, use, and disclose information from our customers. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Services is subject to us


Privacy Policy

As used herein, “CLICK E-SHOP” refers to the company CLICK E-SHOP, including, but not limited to, its owners, directors, investors, officers, employees, agents, or other related parties, unless otherwise provided herein.

Please note the following important limitations before deciding whether to participate in the Affiliate Program.

By entering the Affiliate Program when you create an Account on the Site for your use of the Services (“Account”), you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and fully agree to these Affiliate Program Terms, as updated, and modified from time to time. time. If you do not wish to be bound by these Affiliate Program Terms, as updated and modified from time to time, you must: (1) never enter, generate, or submit an Affiliate Code or link (defined below), or (2) suspend your participation in the Affiliate Program and complete the process required by CLICK E-SHOP.

Only Users who currently have Accounts can participate in the Affiliate Program. Your participation in the Affiliate Program is always entirely at the discretion of CLICK E-SHOP. You may be removed from the Affiliate Program at any time for any or no reason. If you violate any of the Affiliate Program Terms, you may be immediately removed from the Affiliate Program and any amounts you have received or have been entitled to receive under it may be forfeited. CLICK E-SHOP reserves the right to review and investigate all Affiliate Program activities and to suspend Accounts or modify any conditions at CLICK E-SHOP’s sole discretion as it deems fair and appropriate. Please note that CLICK E-SHOP shall be entitled to cover any proven damage caused by the actions of Affiliate Program participants using their funds on the CLICK E-SHOP website.


1. Description

1.1 The Affiliate Program allows you to opt in to receive revenue from Users you refer to the Services who open an Account using an Affiliate Code or link you provide (each a “Member”). You may participate in the Affiliate Program either by referring Users to the Services (each person referring Users, a ” Affiliate “) or as a Member. Participation in the Affiliate Program is entirely at your discretion and is not required to use the Site or Services.


2. Reference code or links

2.1 Under the Affiliate Program, CLICK E-SHOP may provide you with a unique alphanumeric code or link or other code or link (the ” Affiliate Code or link”) to distribute to eligible persons and thus become new Users. You acknowledge and agree that: (a) CLICK E-SHOP has the right to limit the number of times you may use or share your Code or Affiliate link, (b) you have no ownership rights in the Code or Affiliate link and (c) CLICK E-SHOP may claim, deactivate, invalidate or terminate your Code or Affiliate link at any time in CLICK E-SHOP’s sole discretion.


3. Restrictions

3.1 You may invite eligible individuals to become new Users by distributing your Affiliate Code or link directly and instructing them to enter your Affiliate Code or link during the registration process. Affiliate codes or links should only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. You must disclose that you are eligible to receive an Affiliate Reward (defined below) in connection with the use of your Referral Code or link. Affiliate Codes or links must not be posted or distributed on commercial websites, and you are prohibited from “spamming” anyone with Affiliate invitations.

3.2 No Spam. You agree that you will not spam anyone with invitations to join the CLICK E-SHOP Platform. You further acknowledge and agree that the following activities are prohibited under these Affiliate Program Terms: (a) sending emails, text messages, or bulk messages to people you do not know personally or participating in any other promotion that would constitute or appear to constitute unsolicited commercial email or ‘spam’, (b) use of automated systems or bots through any channel to distribute,  post or respond to your Affiliate Code or link, and (c) use scripts, autodialers, or schedules to send invitations or communicate an Affiliate Code or link. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree to comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations governing your obligations under these Affiliate Program Terms.

3.3 No Misrepresentations. You agree that you will not mislead or attempt to mislead anyone in connection with the Affiliate Program, whether by affirmative representation, implication, or omission. You further agree that you will not: (a) create fake accounts, web pages, profiles, websites, or links, (b) misrepresent your relationship with CLICK E-SHOP or any other third party, including, but not limited to, suggesting an affiliation or association with a third party where none exists, (c) making misleading claims about CLICK E-SHOP, including but not limited to misleading claims about specifications,  the functionality features of the Services provided by CLICK E-SHOP or the Affiliate Program, (d) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (e) make false or misleading statements to get a guest to use your Code or Affiliate link.

3.4 Prohibited Content. You agree that you will not use the CLICK E-SHOP brand in connection with (a) derogatory or defamatory content about CLICK E-SHOP or third parties, involved in providing Services to you; (b) offensive, abusive, intimidating, or harassing content; or (c) content that violates the law or the rights of any other person.

3.5 Creating an Additional Account. You agree that you will not create any additional accounts to self-invite across multiple accounts. We verify duplicate or fake accounts, and this may be a reason to remove you from participation in the Affiliate Program.

3.6 Use of paid advertising with branded keywords. You agree that you will not use words such as “CLICK E-SHOP”, or any other similar resemblance, or other term of the brand “CLICK E-SHOP” in your advertising materials. It is necessary to avoid any confusion with the official CLICK E-SHOP domains. Do not post your own CLICK E-SHOP Affiliate link as ads on search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, etc.

3.7 Sharing Affiliate links using fake accounts. You agree that you will not create or use false web pages, social media profiles, fraud, or any other prohibited illegal actions.


4. Responsibilities

4.1 You acknowledge that the purpose of the Affiliate Program is to encourage new Users to the Site and Services. You agree to act in good faith by this intention.

4.2 You must not refer to CLICK E-SHOP any User who is a contractor or service provider.

4.3 You must comply with all applicable laws about your activities under the Affiliate Program, including when referring Users to the Site or Services.

4.4 You must not, directly, or indirectly, allow any of the following Accounts to be one of your Members: (i) an Account that you or a member of your immediate family or household owns or controls, or (ii) an Account that you own or control by a user who is already a User of the Site or Services.

4.5 You must inform CLICK E-SHOP if you discover that any other third party commits fraud or other illegal actions.

4.6 You shall be responsible for covering any damage caused to CLICK E-SHOP by any kind of illegal action, caused by yourself or any third party to whom you have provided an Affiliate Code or link.

4.7 You are responsible for any costs or expenses associated with your activities in referring Users to the Site or Services. You incur those costs and expenses at your own risk.

4.8 You must ensure that any statement you make about the Affiliate of Users to the Site or services is (i) professional, accurate, and truthful; (ii) not to mislead or deceive (for example, not to embellish the nature of your relationship with CLICK E-SHOP); and (iii) non-offensive, unlawful or obscene.

4.9 You agree not to participate in any electronic messages that are prohibited by applicable laws, illegal requests, or fraudulent or misleading requests.


5. Members

5.1 Any User you refer to CLICK E-SHOP must open an Account to become a Member.

5.2 CLICK E-SHOP reserves the right to refuse any User an Account for any reason or no reason. CLICK E-SHOP may refuse to continue allowing any User to use the Site or Services at any time, as described in the Terms of Use. The fact that a User is, or may become, a Member in no way affects these rights.


6. Rewards

6.1 CLICK E-SHOP will credit your Account with a fixed percentage of fees on exchange transactions obtained from the Account that the Member opened with your Code or Affiliate link. For clarity, those fees are the amounts collected from the Member and, in particular, exclude any discounts the Member may receive.

6.2 The percentage of commissions you receive will initially be twenty-five percent (25%) and may be modified by CLICK E-SHOP at any time.

6.3 You will receive each payment within 30 days of collection of the Member’s applicable fees. The sum of all your rewards is your ” Affiliate Reward “.


7. Conversion

7.1 All Affiliate Rewards are recalculated in the equivalent of USD at the time the transaction is made.

7.2 Affiliate Rewards will be based on CLICK E-SHOP’s good faith calculation and the information available to CLICK E-SHOP. CLICK E-SHOP is not responsible for the fact that Affiliate Rewards are not credited to you correctly and of which CLICK E-SHOP is not aware, including due to computer error or other reasons.


8. Information

8.1 CLICK E-SHOP intends to make reasonable efforts to provide Affiliate with information associated with each Affiliate Code or referral link that the Affiliate submits and that a Member uses when opening an Account. There may be circumstances where that information is not available, such as during maintenance and technology upgrades, or if we decide to suspend reporting this information for one or more Members or one or more Affiliate.


9. Notification

9.1 You must notify CLICK E-SHOP of any disagreement regarding any Affiliate Reward within thirty (30) days of receipt of the applicable Affiliate Reward. If you do not submit a disagreement within that period, it is your acceptance of the Affiliate Reward as full and final settlement of the amount you are entitled to receive under the Affiliate Program. If CLICK E-SHOP has not received your notice of disagreement within thirty (30) days from the date you received the applicable Affiliate Reward, your right to dispute such Affiliate Reward shall be deemed to be and hereby waived.


10. Relationship

10.1 Both you and CLICK E-SHOP are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement shall create any partnership, joint venture, franchise, sales representation, or employment relationship between you and CLICK E-SHOP.


11. Non-exclusive

11.1 The Affiliate Program is not exclusive. Your participation in the Affiliate Program does not grant you any additional rights to use or continue to use the Site or Services.


12. Changes

12.1 CLICK E-SHOP may update or modify the Terms of Use, Affiliate Program Terms, Site, Services, Affiliate Rewards, fees charged in connection with the Services, or other elements of transactions contemplated by these Affiliate Program Terms at any time and from time to time. in time (“Changes”). CLICK E-SHOP may make changes for any reason or no reason. These Changes may make your participation in the Affiliate Program more or less valuable to you and may result in you no longer being eligible to participate in the Affiliate Program. Please note that your continued participation in the Affiliate Program after a Change will constitute your binding acceptance of the Change.


13. Liability

13.1 In addition to the Limitation of Liability set out in the Terms of Use, CLICK E-SHOP also assumes no obligation or liability for any direct or indirect loss arising out of or related to:

13.1.1 These Affiliate Program Terms.

13.1.2 The Affiliate Program and your participation in it.

13.1.3 Any communication you have with a Member or other User regarding the Affiliate Program.

13.1.4 Any breach of these Affiliate Program Terms.

13.1.5 any breach by you of applicable laws (including laws governing privacy or electronic messaging, disclosure laws, etc.); and

13.1.6 Any negligent or intentional act or omission on your part.

13.2 You hereby agree to release CLICK E-SHOP from liability for any losses, and shall indemnify, save and hold CLICK E-SHOP harmless from all losses. The foregoing limitations of liability shall apply whether the alleged liability or losses are based on contract, negligence, tort, unjust enrichment, strict liability, violation of law or regulation, or any other basis, even if CLICK E-SHOP has been informed or should have known of the possibility of such losses and damages, and without regard to the success or effectiveness of any other remedy.


14. Term

14.1 Your participation in the Affiliate Program and the application of these Affiliate Program Terms commence when you enter an Affiliate Code or link for the Affiliate Program as part of your Account setup, or when you send an Affiliate Code or link to any User or take other steps to engage a User to participate in the Affiliate Program. These Affiliate Program Terms will apply indefinitely thereafter until your participation in the Affiliate Program ends. If you end your participation in the Affiliate Program, all Affiliate Rewards will end on the same date. These terms will continue to apply after your participation in the Affiliate Program ends.

14.2 The Terms of Use apply in full to these Affiliate Program Terms.


Contact us

If you have any questions regarding these Affiliate Program Terms, your rights and obligations arising therefrom, and/or your use of the Site and Service, your Account, or any other matter, please contact